Chris Zinati

Spotify Clone

technologies used
Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS

A web app created using the react framework and utilizing the spotify API for dynamically loading songs

difficulties encountered

  • initially had issues making API calls to Spotify
  • required extensive CSS styling

Operating Systems Concepts

technologies used
C, C++, C++ Linux OS Libraries

Programs that demonstrate concepts of operating systems, specifically Linux/MacOS. Includes a VM that simulates LC3-Architecture

difficulties encountered

  • memory management issues
  • tooling/compatibility issues between systems

CSUF Campus Navigator

technologies used
Javascript, HTML, css, NodeJS with Express

The final group project for an algorithms class. Written in Javascript and HTML. My contributions were mostly in the backend for the actual navigation functionality.

difficulties encountered

  • All changes us group members made were pushed directly to main instead of into branches, flawed commits would bog down prodcution speed.
  • This was my first real project in Javascript. So not only was this my first time implementing shortest-path algorithms, I was also learning Javascript

Algorithms Visualizer

technologies used
Python, Numpy, Matplotlib

A small program that visualizes the speed and complexity of various sorting algorithms

difficulties encountered

  • mostly with implementing GUI

Works in Progress

MemeFight Tactics
A collaboration with other CSUF students on a desktop game that is going to be published as a senior project.